Global Presence

Our streamlined service structure ensures prompt and efficient services to our customers, no matter where they are in the world.

  • With own offices, representatives and services stations all over the world and a reputation of high-quality equipment for the food industry, BAADER constitutes one of the strongest and most innovative business partners in the global food processing market.
  • 80+ BAADER Agents & Distributors in more than 60 countries for the Fish, Poultry and General Foods industry.
  • 10+ BAADER subsidiaries serving fish customers globally.
Fish Location
Poultry Location


Experience and knowledge matters, when servicing complex machinery:
Whether it is routine maintenance, emergency repairs, or upgrades of your equipment, our technicians have the expertise to optimize the machines to fullest potential.

Key market service offices are staffed with local service crews allowing a quick deploy time of technicians in times of urgent breakdowns or provide assistance in all sort of service requests.

When time is of the essence there is a network of remote service technicians available to assist you in time with remote diagnosis and support.

Service Concept

The focus is to have the machinery running in optimal efficiency and prevent breakdowns before they occur.

We understand that every factory is unique, which is why we assist with customized service solutions and visit intervals.

Our experienced service departments will collaborate with you to create service schedules tailored to your specific needs and preferences.

To complement even the most independent technical crews on site, who are keeping the machines in perfect mechanical condition, we offer support and assistance in maximizing the yield via machine check-ups and further advisory on site.

pointing on product

On Site Service

Check-Ups / Maintenance

Build up over the years of experience, BAADER service developed standardized checklists which give you a deep and detailed overview about your machine state and service measures performed during last service.

These checklists are under constant review and are optimized as of the insights collected at customer factories and changes in technology. The Service Report includes a spare part recommendation which will assist you in setting up your parts inventory for replacements and upcoming maintenance work.

Service Technicians

Maximization of machine potential and avoidance of unplanned downtime is key to an efficient processing machine.Our team’s technical ability, hands-on experience and resourcefulness make sure that your operation runs at peak performance with minimum downtime.

Our service teams are specialized in maintenance, repairs, advisory and upgrades of machinery, so your BAADER on-site service may include:

  • Machine inspection
  • Basic setting and adjustment
  • Production observation and fine tuning
  • Instruction and basic training
  • Yield optimization assistance
  • Replacement of standard wear parts
  • Elimination of minor damage

Service technicians are a contact for your production- and technical staff in sharing experience and tips in optimizing the performance of your BAADER machinery to keep the machine running in optimal conditions.

Insight into service technician training at BAADER Lübeck

  • Service technician training concept focusing equally on adjustments / optimization / installation & troubleshooting.
  • Before their first travel BAADER service technicians are getting hands on experience in the earliest state of the machines they are going to service.
    They learn how to build up the machines from ground up when following the mechanics, electricians and automation technician in the BAADER final assemblies.
  • When the in-house trainings have been completed, during their first trips they are following experienced service techs to get full insight into what is important on site.
    Yield, smooth operation and efficient service.
  • Ongoing training and development is key even for most experienced service techs. Training schedules and close communication with our R&D enables our techs to stay close to newest innovations.

Efficient remote support at your fingertips – reducing your time expense and costs

Remote Service

Introducing our remote service solution - fast, efficient, and just one click away!

That's why we're proud to offer our wide range of remote service solutions, designed to provide you with the support you need.

With our remote service, you can enjoy:

  • Fast and efficient support from our expert technicians
  • Instant access to troubleshooting and problem-solving
  • Reduced downtime and improved productivity
  • Greater flexibility and convenience for your team

Whether you need assistance with software updates, system maintenance, or technical issues, our remote service team is here to help. And with our remote service systems our experts are just a “few clicks away” from assisting you.

Ad-Hoc Remote Error Diagnosis

“Classic” Remote Assistance

In times of urgent breakdowns every minute counts, so having BAADER available to login into deep controller level of the machinery gives your technicians a helping hand to solve even the most challenging issues as quickly as possible.

The BAADER technology allows the remote technicians in the back office to see the machine HMIs as if they are standing in front of the machine.

This is made possible with the use of our highly secure VPN technology implemented directly in the machine cabinet.

When provided with a single network cable, your machine is ready to be serviced remotely.

Smart Assistance

We understand the environment in which the machines are used in. A constant high level of noise, complex technology and need for quick solutions shows that clear and efficient communication is the key to successful troubleshooting.

This is why "Smart Assistance" will benefit your technicians as it allows following features:

  • Live video calls with bidirectional feedback, allowing clear understanding what to focus on.
  • Live chat for improved communication even in most noisy environments

Video calls can be underlined with real time AR-Annotations allowing clear interactions

How can we help you?

Tell us about your processing requirements and see how our experts can help you improve your quality, throughput and yield.