Flexible Processing in a Compact Design

Our stand-alone Compact Plant 396 includes slaughtering and manual evisceration of up to 1600 broilers per hour. Adjustable bleeding time, scalding time and line speed allow for flexible processing while manual evisceration along the line provides the opportunity to live up to local processing requirements.


  • Slaughtering and evisceration with a small footprint designed for 1600 birds per hour
  • Prepared for adding the necessary components to reach future capacity of 3700 birds per hour
  • Same quality components as our conventional high-speed processing solutions and covered by the same after sales service
  • Stainless steel and food-approved materials
  • Conveyorised, in-line processing that offers labour savings and increases efficiency and food safety.
  • Easy installation and set-up
  • Flexible processing set up that allows for adjusting the scalding temperature/time, bleeding time and line speed
  • Effective scalding and defeathering
  • Air scalder with its own heating system
  • Manual evisceration processes according to local requirements

Plug and Process

The delivery of the Compact Plant 396 is designed to make start up uncomplicated and to reduce customer supplies to a minimum. The complete system is tested before it is transported in a 40 feet high cube container. It is shipped assembled and prepared to connect to the main electric, water and gas/oil supply with all internal hoses and electrical cables pre-installed in cable trays.

Find Your Production ”Sweet Spot”

Adjustable bleeding time, scalding time and line speed ensures a high degree of production flexibility. The length of bleeding and scalding can be configured by removing or inserting overhead conveyor sections. Line speed is adjusted on the main control panel. The configuration options enable the processor to achieve a set up that meets the local market conditions and requirements.

Effective Water Stunning

The Water Stunner is designed to best ensure efficient stunning and animal welfare. The birds’ heads will drop into the electrified water bath where they are stunned when current passes through their brains. By achieving an optimal relationship between current, voltage and resistance, the system induces immediate unconsciousness. The Water Stunner can be lowered for bypassing when production requires it. The stunning system is equipped with data logging for continuous compliance documentation.

Scalding adjustable to Local Requirements

In the air scalder, birds are immersed into hot water penetrating the feather pack to loosen the feathers from their follicles, thus preparing the birds for picking. The water in the scalder can be heated by gas, oil or electric heating systems and the temperature is precisely adjusted from the control panel to fit local scalding requirements.

High Picking Performance

The birds pass through the Tunnel Picker equipped with three rows per side and rotating finger disks. The fingers efficiently remove the feathers. The picking machine offers multiple adjustment features to fit the product being processed and to achieve the highest picking performance without damaging the product.

Easy Evisceration Along the Line

The evisceration process is manual and can be performed freely along the frame in the evisceration area to best accommodate local requirements. Semi-automatic hand tools can be used to ease the manual work and increase production efficiency. The Compact Plant 396 is prepared for custom set-up:

  • Neck Cutting
  • Vent Cutting
  • Opening
  • Evisceration
  • Manual Lung Removal
  • Manual Bird Washing
  • Giblet harvesting

Need some advice to get started?

We have local and global experts ready to advice you on everything from live bird handling to final product management.