Sustainable Poultry Business with a Competitive Edge

Producing healthy poultry meat in a cost-effective way is a complex business. Important issues such as animal welfare, food safety, resource consumption and environmental footprint must be taken into consideration while running a profitable business. As your partner in poultry processing, we design complete poultry processing solutions that provide our customers with a sustainable competitive advantage. From live bird handling to final product dispatch, we deliver efficient, flexible and reliable equipment that will help you grow your poultry business. Good solutions begin with a real understanding of processing needs and we advise you through all stages of the investment process – from production analysis, through solution design, equipment implementation and training to after-sales service.

Every Bird Counts

Your processing solution should be based on a total value-chain concept that optimizes the benefit and value of each bird being processed. By protecting animal welfare and carcass quality, we enable our customers to achieve higher yields and profits, while our hardware and software innovations support an intelligent use of the intake product.

All Processing Capacities

Your capacity and processing requirements set the framework for our solutions. From small-scale solutions to high-speed processing factories that aim to meet the market demands of the global poultry industry. Together we will design the processing and production flow that best fits your current and future needs.

Keep Your Production Flexible

Chickens come in all shapes and sizes and market demand will vary. You need flexible solutions as well as adjustable processing equipment in order to adapt daily processing to the market you serve. We design our solutions with great flexibility and our machines allow for processing a wide weight range – even within the same set-up.

With our plant in Thorne, we have achieved a flexible and sales led production that focuses on biosecurity and food safety
Mr Nadeem Iqbal, Managing Director at Iqbal Poultry (UK)

Optimize Equipment Uptime

Reliable processing equipment is the key to reducing costly unplanned downtime. Every part of our machinery is designed to withstand the mechanical stress from hours of full production and cleaning. Our comprehensive after-sales service takes care of keeping your equipment running.

Gain Yield in Every Step of the Process

All resources must be fully utilized, and yield optimization throughout production will reduce both environmental impact and processing costs. Intelligent software and adaptable processing tools are the secret behind our high-yield performance.

Reduce Labour Dependence

We recognize our customers’ struggle to employ enough skilled labour to achieve their production goal, and we strive to offer a high degree of automation in labour heavy processes. From live bird intake to dispatch we design in-line solutions with different automation levels so you can find a solution that fits your requirements for manual or automated product handling.

How can we help you?

Tell us about your processing requirements and see how our experts can help you improve your quality, throughput and yield.