Targeting the Picking Process to the Product being Processed

Efficient picking is a prerequisite for processing high-quality birds. The Tunnel Picker 284 comes in different configurations and a high degree of machine adjustability allows the rotating picking fingers to closely follow the bird’s anatomy and effectively remove feathers without damaging the skin or extremities.


  • Multiple adjustment features to ensure best picking performance
  • Various configurations to meet your specific picking requirements
  • Stainless steel finger discs
  • Small picking discs allow for more picking rows and targeted picking
  • Fast evacuation of feathers into the offal channel
  • High-quality rubber fingers

Configurable to Fit Any Process

The Tunnel Picker 284 is available in various configurations to meet specific picking requirements. Different picking bank lengths and number of rows allow us to design the picking line that best fits your requirements.

Adjust to Obtain the Best Quality

Adjustability is a key factor in effective picking. Multiple adjustment features on the Tunnel Picker 284 ensure the best possible picking performance while protecting the product quality. Each picking row can be individually angled and picking banks can be height and separation adjusted so picking fingers follow the shape of the bird. The configuration of various picking machines on the line allows the picking to be targeted differently from machine to machine as picking progresses. This high degree of targeted picking also allows for dry picking.

Durable Rubber Fingers

In addition to a highly efficient picking machine, it also requires high-quality rubber fingers to maximize the picking performance. The wavy ridges on the Rubber FingerWAVE ensure multidirectional feather contact during picking and effectively remove feathers. As the birds are conveyed through the rotating rubber fingers, water sprays flush away the feathers.

See All the Adjustability Features

Various tunnel pickers on the line allow picking to be targeted differently from machine to machine
Each picking row is driven by sturdy electric motors
Vertical and horizontal adjustments are controlled by a hydraulic pump

Need some advice to get started?

We have local and global experts ready to advice you on everything from live bird handling to final product management.