Keep up with the Increasing Demand for Deboned Poultry Products

The increased automation of evisceration and cut-up imposes demands on higher deboning capacities. Furthermore, the increasing demand for boneless poultry products is leading processors to invest in deboning systems like never before. However, the demand for high-quality boneless poultry meat is constrained by the diminishing supply of trained personnel to staff manual deboning lines. Labour is a continuous challenge within the poultry industry and the solution is automation.

White Meat Deboning

The ProFlex cut-up system allows for either whole breast caps or front halves (with or without wings) to be produced. To add further value to the breasts, deboning solutions can be implemented. Our customers have different automation needs so in addition to our manual deboning lines, we offer white meat deboning solutions where the cutting, scraping and harvesting process is either fully or partially automated. Choose the solution that best suits your market.

Consistent High Filleting Performance

Automation handles repetitive production tasks that are typically difficult or expensive to perform, freeing human operators to focus on more value-adding jobs. The high repeatability of our automated processes ensures a consistent performance where a manual process can lead to inconsistencies.

In Breast Deboning Yield Is King

Breast fillets are valuable products and yield must be protected. Our breast deboning equipment automatically measures the product size and adjusts the subsequent cutting path accordingly. The result of the computer-controlled tools is accurate cuts producing the highest quality and yield performance.

Great Breast Filleting Product Variety

To ensure that you can meet the varying demand from your local and global markets, our filleting solutions offer a variety of product outcomes: single fillets, butterfly fillets, fillets with or without tender or back meat and tender fillets.

Utilize the Whole Bird – Gentle Method of Product Refinement

With the gentle BAADERING technology, various poultry materials can be turned into separate products, while preserving the muscle fibre structure to get the highest quality meat. The end product is low in calcium as well as enzymes, which reduces the pH value for a prolonged shelf life. This technology does not only add value; it also improves sustainability by increasing resource efficiency.

How can we help you?

Tell us about your processing requirements and see how our experts can help you improve your quality, throughput and yield.