Efficient Whole Bird Transfer with Accurate Weighing

The Weigh Transfer 520 efficiently transfers birds from one line to another and captures the individual bird weight in the transfer process. Together with our vision quality grading technology, the weight determines the best-fit use of each bird. If the Weigh Transfer 520 is installed before air chilling, you will get an early indication of the flock weight to be further processed and packed.


  • Accurate, individual bird weight for best-fit distribution purposes
  • Early insight into flock weight being processed when installed before chilling
  • Capable of processing a wide weight range
  • ‘Static’ weighing principle for highly accurate weighing
  • Available for all capacities
  • Very robust and reliable digital load cells

Unique Weighing Principle

The Weigh Transfer 520 automatically releases the bird from the inlet overhead line, weighs each bird individually and transfers the bird to the outlet overhead line. The machine is driven by the overhead lines, and line speed and shackle positions are synchronized by an electronic control system.When birds are transferred to the weighing wheel, they are spread out to ensure sufficient space and avoid interference between the birds during weighing.The machine operates with a ‘static weighing’ principle that allows for an accuracy better than ± 0.25%.

Consistent Accuracy

After the weighing process is completed, the birds are automatically transferred onto the next line. This allows the weighing wheel a “window” for zeroing and resetting in preparation for the next bird, which is crucial for accurate weighing throughout the production day. The system is capable of re-hangingthe birds from any pitch to any pitch – and from any leg spread to any leg spread – with a transfer efficiency of up to 99%.

Early Weighing to Optimise Planning

The birds are weighed and distributed in standard two-leg shackles. This means that the Weigh Transfer 520 can be incorporated anywhere in the process: from slaughter to evisceration, from evisceration to air chilling and from air chilling to distribution. If you capture the weight early in the production, you will promtly know if the actual flock intake matches your production planning. In case of major deviations, a Weigh Transfer 520 installed before evisceration will provide valuableminutes of chilling time to make adjustments.

Digital Load Cells Increase Accuracy

On the Weigh Transfer 520, each bird is weighed on its own load cell to reduce weighing interferences. The digital load cells on the machine offer a stable signal and they are robust and reliable:

  • Accuracy better than 0.25%
  • 1000% overload protection
  • Produced in stainless steel and hermetically sealed to IP68
  • Immune to electrical interference
  • Equipped with cable connector for fast replacement

Weigh Transfer 520 Overview

Inlet line
Transfer to weighing wheel
Individual bird weighing
Transfer to outlet wheel
Outlet line

How Can We Help You?

Tell us about your processing requirements and see how our experts can help you improve your quality, throughput and yield.