Ensure High Meat Quality and a Long Shelf-Life

The chilling process determines the product appearance, yield performance and shelf life. The ability of chilling to the correct core temperature without freezing extremities will eventually determine the final product value. Local processing practices determine whether cold water or air is used as the preferred chilling method. We offer both methods to best fit your chilling requirements.

Air Chilling

Air chilling offers in-line processing and does not change the meat structure. Weight loss
is avoided by adding moisture during the process. We offer two air chilling solutions: a
multi-tier air chilling tunnel and the single-tier clean air tunnel.

Multi-Tier Air Chilling

Air chilling tunnel with multiple tiers. Offers fast cooling within a reduced footprint.

Clean Air Chilling

One layer air chilling tunnel to reduce cross-contamination. Ambient air is filtrated to keep the circulating air inside the tunnel clean.

Water Chilling

Cold water is a highly efficient way to cool down the carcass temperature. Immersion
chilling also has the benefit of allowing for water pick-up in the skin of the carcass,
thereby increasing yields.

Spiral Chiller

Heavy duty stainless steel water chiller equipped with an air agitation system to decrease thermal layering of the carcasses and improve heat exchange. The carcasses are moved forward by the movements of the spiral and the speed of the spiral shaft can be adjusted to fit the specific production need.

The spiral chiller is offered in various lengths to best fit your chilling time and volume requirements.

How can we help you?

Tell us about your processing requirements and see how our experts can help you improve your quality, throughput and yield.