Best Logistic Practices in Live Bird Handling

LINCOload is a well-proven live bird handling system installed at processing plants worldwide. The system enables good logistic practices and allows for automation in the reception area, including destacking and equipment cleaning. This drawer and module system is designed for good animal welfare and efficient transport.


  • Easy loading from either side of the module
  • Forklift handling of modules
  • Comfortable shackling directly from the drawer
  • Supports manual and automatic catching
  • Good airflow to birds during transport and lairage
  • Open module construction for easy cleaning
  • Sturdy transport equipment
  • Gentle bird handling improves product quality

Robust and Reliable Equipment

LINCOload is designed for markets that demand reliable transport equipment that is easy to use and maintain. The steel modules and the sturdy plastic drawers are designed for daily farm use, transport and constant cleaning.

Automation and High Throughput

The increased demand for higher throughputs and consistent product quality make poultry processors worldwide turn to more automation. LINCOload is designed to protect the birds while transferred from the farm to a high-speed slaughter line and offers full automation on the reception system.

Reliable Smooth Production

When the truck arrives at the processing plant, the full modules are unloaded using a forklift and placed in the lairage area. When the birds are ready to be processed, the full module is placed on a conveyor system for automatic module and drawer handling. Smooth conveying and destacking in the reception system keeps the birds calm. Birds stay in the drawers until shackling to reduce stress – no tipping or dumping of live birds is applied.

Effective Drawer and Module Washing

After shackling the birds on the slaughter line, drawers and modules are washed separately to ensure the best possible hygiene. Modular washing and disinfection units allow for the washing time to be customized.

How Can We Help You?

Tell us about your processing requirements and see how our experts can help you improve your quality, throughput and yield.