Safeguard Product Quality throughout Slaughter and Defeathering

Carcass quality must be protected throughout stunning, slaughtering, scalding and picking. Any damage to the product will cause costly downgrades and yield losses. You need slaughtering and defeathering equipment designed with multiple adjustment features to best fit the flock size and adapt to local processing practices. We have all the building blocks to offer you a slaughtering and defeathering line that will produce the uniform, high-quality products that you need for your market.

Focus on Animal Welfare

Highly efficient stunning equipment will render the birds unconscious and insensitive to pain before slaughtering. Common to our solutions, whether it is electrical stunning or controlled atmosphere stunning, is a fast and humane stunning process.

Ensure High Product Quality

Adjustability is key to protecting the product quality. Processing times, machine set-up and product positioning must be easily adjustable to ensure correct processing and achieve higher margins on the products.

Modularity to Fit Your Processing

Equipment modularity helps us to design the processing line to fit your current and future needs. Together we prepare your solution for future growth – the modular design allows you to increase production when the time is right.

Monitor Slaughter Line Utilization

Efficiency starts with full shackles. We offer various live bird handling systems that allow for a smooth flow of chickens to the shackling area and fast shackling directly from the transport equipment. Robust and reliable processing equipment will ensure uptime and simplify maintenance.

Counting the shackled birds on the slaughtering line allows you to compare the actual live bird intake with the expected and check if the slaughtering line is fully utilized. Empty shackles are lost production opportunities.

Obtain Tender Meat

For economic and hygienic reasons, you need to reduce the time from killing to deboning. If the breast meat is separated too early from the carcass, the muscles will still contract compromising meat tenderness.Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) after killing activates muscle contractions throughout the carcass, which accelerates the maturation process. EMS works by prompting the muscle to sustain heavy contractions, thereby using up the glycogen faster. We recommend stimulation of the carcasses as early as possible in the process to ensure a high level of available glycogen.

How can we help you?

Tell us about your processing requirements and see how our experts can help you improve your quality, throughput and yield.