Product Owner – Food Processing Software & Machinery

bTrace Tomorrow GmbH + Co. KG is the digitalization unit within food processing machine manufacturer BAADER. The focus is on an interdisciplinary team of digitization experts who are committed to using digital possibilities and a global network of partners to improve the entire food value chain for all stakeholders involved – for an innovative, transparent and safe food supply.

We believe that with digitalization, BAADER will make the food value chain more sustainable and more efficient, will improve animal welfare and at the same time will enhance the profitability of our customers. Our focus is on producing only what is necessary, reducing unnecessary waste or downgrading and maximizing the value of by- and co-products. By aligning our vision, strategy and products consistently with customer needs, we ensure high customer satisfaction and drive meaningful progress in the industry. The key factor to reach these goals is excellence of the team, technology and agile processes. We are striving for a flat hierarchy with self-organized teams in an agile organization with a high degree of autonomy.

We are now seeking a Product Owner* with expertise in solutions in food processing factories and machinery.

Your future tasks will include:

Qualifications, experiences and personal skills you possess:

We offer:


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Tim Heidenreich

+49 451 5302 944

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Service & Installation
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Service & Installation
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Internship/ Temp/ Working Student
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Produkt Manager

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Arbeiten bei BAADER

Eine Arbeit bei BAADER beinhaltet viele Dinge - es geht um unser 100-jähriges Erbe, Pionier- und Familiengeist und den Weg in die Zukunft.

Ob Schüler, Studenten, Absolventen oder Berufserfahrene: Um intelligente Food Verarbeitungslösungen umzusetzen, sind vor allem Loyalität, Teamgeist, Ehrlichkeit, Verantwortung, Zielorientierung und Leidenschaft gefragt. Diese Eigenschaften sind es, die BAADERianer in der ganzen Welt ausmachen.

Von der Ausbildung an fördern wir die Entwicklung unserer Mitarbeiter. Austausch und Wissenstransfer über Generationen und Ländergrenzen hinweg sind wichtige Bausteine unseres Erfolgs. Durch unsere Diversität sowie den Austausch untereinander erhalten wir viele gute Impulse und Ideen.

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