Faster, cleaner and traceable

Signifiant Increase in Efficiency and Speed!

A perfect final fish product requires a perfect gutting. And what defines a perfect gutting is a clean and precise princess cut at a revolutionary speed. That is what the BAADER 144 Gutting and Inspection Solution does. Some call it a cash machine; others call it a workhorse as it is able to process up to 25 fish per minute.

The BAADER 144 Gutting Machine has a revolutionary design that pushes the boundaries of gutting speed, cleaning performance and working range, while also maximizing hygiene and inspection demands.

When combined with the BAADER 1570 Speed Feed System, the BAADER 144 is the world’s only high-speed gutting machine that can operate virtually without human intervention at an industrial level.

Individual fish handling and state-of-the-art motion control allows for a speed-optimized gutting result.

The integrated inspection camera system in conjunction with the respective software closely monitors and evaluates the gutting operation and detects any defects. The quality level is adjustable to the end customers’ demands.

B’Logic® Process Navigator air BAADER 144 is our dedicated software solution for performance monitoring and yield control.


  • High speed – up to 25 fish/min.
  • Wide working range without manual adjustment
  • Highly consistent and flawless cleaning result – even with larger fish
  • Rapid changeover between species
  • Significant reduction in machine cleaning time
  • Camera detection of final gutting result
  • Dashboard showing real-time and log information on all mobile devices
  • Small fish kit optional available*

Technical Data

  • Working range (approx.)
    Salmon: 2.0 - 11.0 kg
    Small Salmon*: 1.3 - 3.5 kg
    Sea Trout: 2.0 - 9.0 kg
    Small Sea Trout*: 1.3 - 3.5 kg
    Coho: 1.5 - 4.5 kg
  • Throughput (stand-alone machine)
    Salmon: up to 25 fish/min
    Small Salmon*: up to 22 fish/min
    Sea Trout: up to 22 fish/min
    Small Sea Trout*: up to 22 fish/min
    Coho: up to 22 fish/min
    (depending on fish size)

Salmon gutting inspection

  • Innovative machine intelligence monitors the gutting operation and detects any fish defects for separate processing
  • The product flow behind the machine can be controlled according to camera detection set-up

Gutting tools

  • Newly designed gutting tools move in sync with the fish, allowing for faster gutting and better cleaning
  • Very consistent gutting – even with larger fish
  • Clean princess cut every time
  • The entrails are rapidly removed without being contaminated by water


  • Reliable fish transport through machine thanks to improved system of prism blocks and tail fin clamps
  • Gentle fish transport ensures there is no external damage to the fish

Auto feed or semi auto feed

  • A consistent throughput rate of 25 fish/minute is possible when combined with the automatic infeed system, the BAADER 1570
  • If manual infeeding is required, a loading table guarantees that the fish slide into the correct infeed position

A Self-Controlling and Regulating MachineGutting and Inspection Solution BAADER 144 #2

René Hensel, Electrical Designer at BAADER, emphasises the BAADER 144 as an intelligent self-controlling and regulating machine and focuses in his considerations on features such as user and maintenance friendliness, service, monitoring and reliable operational stability.

With René Hensel

1:38 min | Release Date 19.10.2020

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