Perfect Gutting Results Since Almost 30 Years

Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine production without automated slaughtering machines. BAADER 142 is a must have for this process.

The fish can be loaded manually or in combination with a Semi-Auto Feeding System for up to 8 lines with 4 operators.

The BAADER 142 makes a very precise princess cut. This is accomplished by computerized length and shape measurements in addition to state-of-the-art cleaning, rinsing and suctioning operations.

Even at high throughput rates, there is complete and accurate removal of entrails and blood.

Have you ever thought about processing farmed cod?

Today, farmed cod is on its way to becoming an integral part of the aquaculture sector, alongside salmon and other species.

That leads us to design a conversion kit for our existing BAADER 142 to perform a perfect belly cut on farmed cod as well – without damaging the guts.


  • Accurate Princess Cut
  • Fully automatic clean belly
  • Constant speed for continuous processing
  • No external damage of the fish
  • “Cut-only” function possible
  • Princess Cut for farmed cod possible

Technical Data

  • Species: 
    Salmon, Sea Trout, Coho and Farmed Cod 
  • Working range (approx.):
    Salmon / Sea Trout: 2-7 kg
    Coho: 2-5 kg
    Farmed Cod: 1.4 – 5 kg   
  • Throughput (stand-alone machine):
    Salmon, Sea Trout: up to 16 fish/min
    Coho: up to 20 fish/min
    Farmed Cod: up to 16 fish/min

Have you ever thought about processing farmed cod?

  • Perfect belly cut without damaging the guts
  • Possible to remove valuable by-products manually
  • Conversion kit available with hard- and software upgrades
  • “Cut-only” function also possible for salmon, sea trout and coho

Exact princess cut

  • The fish to be processed is loaded manually.
  • A powerful tail clamp guarantees a gentle transport of the fish.
  • The cut positions are electronically measured for each fish.

Semi-Automatic feeding possible

  • Customized batch flow-control for up to 8 manual machines
  • Batches are generated on a buffer conveyor with load cells
  • BAADER 142 buffers on load cells call for next fish batch
  • Simply and sturdy increase of capacity utilization

Contact our consultants

Tell us about your processing requirements and see how our experts can help you improve your quality, throughput and yield.