
BAADERING - Means Value-Adding

How to increase resource efficiency with the best possible quality outcome
February 1, 2020

Achieving the most efficient use of the animal protein being processed is of growing industry interest and consumer demand. In the business of meat and poultry processing, capturing as much high-granted meat and minimizing rejects is a way to make the most of the meat being processed. Its offers as much economic as sustainable benefits.

A lucrative way is to generate desinewed ground meat. BAADER offers a superior process for gently refining a high range of various deboned meat and poultry parts, such as shoulder, trimmings, shanks, belly, belly flap, deboned turkey and chicken drumsticks, chicken wishbones, liver or skin and many more.

The BAADER Separator Series represent the market’s most advanced soft separator technology.

BAADER Soft Separators help produce ground meat of the highest quality free of bone, cartilage and sinews ensuring the highest possible yield. Besides being a significant time-saver, the delicate process provides decisive advantages to the quality of the processed good.

Additionally, the BAADER Soft Separators represent a scalable way to automatically remove and further process residual meat while protecting both the resource texture and the valuable nutrients to the highest possible meat quality.

BAADERING -Superior desinewed ground meat and highest quality residual meat capturing

BAADER Separators are based on the unique press-separation process developed by BAADER for separating the flesh from connective tissue and tendons and for separating soft and solid parts, called BAADERING. Since the squeezing belt system offers sufficient flexibility, the muscle cell structure of the source product is being preserved, At the same time, unwanted solid components are kept out of the end product during meat processing.

Martin Schaarschmidt (retired), Global Sales Manager, Separator Technology.

“BAADERING is an internationally recognized process of separating soft and solid components. By using this method, it is possible to mechanically divide solid components from soft tissue”, explains Martin Schaarschmidt, Global Sales Manager, Separator Technology.

BAADERING guarantees quality products free of tendons and cartilage, ensures gentle raw material treatment and preserves the muscle fibre structure and minimal temperature increase. The result is a low calcium content, a high binding capacity of the ground meat, an optimum meat colour and a convincing visual appearance of the end product1.

“Our Separator Series offers a consistent high product quality while varying in size to adapt to the processors' volume requirements”, he highlights.

The design of BAADER Separators is engineered with a strong emphasis on durability. The belt and drum of the BAADERING process is augmented by means of a squeezing belt support system. The belt support system travels beneath the primary belt to ensure optimum guidance. This results in increased belt life, less maintenance, less spare parts and a high-quality product output.

BAADERING - High Application Variety

The advantages of BAADERING are not limited to the highest quality residual meat capturing, it extents to a high application variety: The many possible applications of BAADER Separators range from the expansion of red meat, poultry and fish and even extend to the parting of purée and juice from fruit and vegetables, the recovery of packaged products to recycling.

“BAADER Separators are the right choice for everyone who aims at increasing their returns through product quality and machine longevity.”

Martin Schaarschmidt, Global Sales Manager Separators

“Since the market launch of the BAADER Soft Separators in 1969, we have been able to gain extensive experience of the technology with our customers and are constantly expanding the variety of possible applications. Our customers use the advantages of BAADERING along the entire product cycle”, explains Schaarschmidt. “In doing so, we can tap streams of revenue that are otherwise lost while maintaining the quality of the meat”.

BAADERING Turns Costs into Profit through Product Recovery

Why not reduce the amount of waste and disposal costs through recycling as much as possible and then return the recovered materials to your own process or sell them?

“BAADERING offers such an economical solution and ensures that unnecessary waste is a thing of the past”, ensures Schaarschmidt.


Unattractively shaped sausages can be separated from their casing by using BAADER Separators in such a way that the valuable raw material is preserved. After reprocessing, products can then be sold to the trade. This is possible for sausages in natural and artificial casings, clipped and non-clipped as well as other meat products in plastic packaging.

Components for meat production

The BAADERING process is able to peel ingredients such as fresh onions or garlic for meat productions in an optimal consistency.

BAADERING ensures bone-free!!

BAADERING can serve as a critical safety control point in production when used as a bone detector. As no bone can pass the lock drum, BAADERING ensures complete bone removal. This is how line rejects can be saved and further processed.

Chicken Liver

BAADERING easily and thoroughly separates the bile ducts from the liver. Offal such as liver can be processed using a BAADER Separator ready to be turned into liver pâté.

Poultry Skin

Some argue that chicken skin is the best bit of a chicken. It contains omega 6 and is rich in proteins. Good reasons to make it into the star of the dish instead of the bonus by-product. With one condition – it needs to be crispy. Chicken skin of water-chilled-chickens is often not dry enough to receive the required crispiness preventing further value-add. BAADERING presses the unwanted water out of the skin setting the basis for new innovative products: from raw whole chicken skin to chicken skin chips.

“Sausage - casing separation, chicken liver or poultry skin-drying are just some examples showing how the use of Separators can not only help reduce waste disposal cost. It can turn costs into profit: by means of refeeding valuable products back into the process and by capturing value-adding co-products”, concludes Schaarschmidt.

Martin Schaarschmidt and his team are open to engage with customers and business partners to further advance and test their application rage. They are also cooperating with BAADER food technologists specialized in finding new ways of co-product handling and innovate protein generation. Read more on this topic in the following article.