
Product Enhancement and Value-adding through ‘BAADERING’

DEC 14, 2020

In 2050, the global population will have reached nearly 10 billion people. In order to feed them sustainably, the United Nations are calling for the restructuring of the global food system. New concepts for the way we think and produce food and proteins are urgently needed. With their mission 'We Innovate Food Value Chains', BAADER has committed itself to working on these new, alternative concepts. This is where the pioneering BAADERING technology can play a pivotal part.

The sustainability machine

Achieving the most efficient use of the animal protein being processed is of growing industry interest and consumer demand. BAADERING technology is crucial in achieving that. BAADER has gained extensive experience of the technology and its wide application range in its over 50-year existence. Dennis Schreiber, Vice President Sales and Services at BAADER, points out in the co-product handling episode of the Salmon Sessions, that “due to its uniqueness, the separation process has established itself under the term BAADERING in the industry and beyond”. “Customers have called it the money machine”, referring to the BAADER 600 series because it increases profits substantially. He would rather “call it the sustainability machine”, for it enables maximum resource utilization, thus contributing to a sustainable future of nutrition and protein supply.

BAADERING means added value

BAADERING is an internationally recognized process of separating soft and solid components, elevating the value of the product at the same time. This technology helps produce highest quality ground meat free of bone, cartilage and sinews, ensuring the highest possible yield. Apart from being a significant time-saver, the delicate process of BAADERING provides decisive advantages to the quality of the processed goods. Therefore, the advanced technology is used in various food industries and even for recycling purposes. BAADERING represents a scalable way to automatically remove and further process residual meat which would have gone to waste or fish meal. The process protects the texture of the meat as well as the valuable nutrients, ensuring the highest possible product quality. The BAADERING technology enables customers to gain added value while contributing to a sustainable future at the same time.

Gaining high-quality salmon mince with the BAADER 601

Unique separation process

BAADERING is based on a unique press-separation process for separating the flesh from connective tissue and tendons, and for separating soft and solid parts. Due to the flexible squeezing belt system, the muscle fibre structure of the raw material is preserved. At the same time, unwanted solid components will not find their way into the end product. “The ratio between quality and yield can be influenced by means of adjusting the pressure roller” Martin Schaarschmidt, global manager for BAADERING technology, explains in the co-product handling episode. There are “five different machines” available, he adds, which offer “more than 500 machine applications to meet customer requirements”. The gentle processing method guarantees low calcium content, a high binding capacity of the ground meat, an optimum meat colour and a convincing visual appearance of the end product. BAADERING offers consistent high product quality while varying in size to adapt to the individual processor's volume requirements.

Making high quality salmon tartare with otherwise wasted meat recovery, picture credited to RitaE/Pixabay

Product enhancements and value-adding

Product enhancements offer high profit potential with efficient use of resources. Smart reprocessing of valuable nutrients in all co-products is the key. Almost every co-product can be enhanced when extracted with the BAADERING technology. In the Co-Product episode, Dennis Lohmann, responsible for fish product management at BAADER, gives a couple of examples illustrating the wide range of possible product enhancements. “There are many ways to make use out of salmon skin”, he explains, such as medical products, pet food or even human consumption”, for example as dried snacks. Between the bones is high-value meat which can be gained through BAADERING and turned into best quality salmon mince. Further processing steps including a decanter or a depress unit to create a higher-grade salmon mince and a mix of water and oil. By using a centrifuge, the result is high-value cold pressed salmon oil. Another example of adding value by using BAADERING technology are salmon chips, an increasingly popular snack with a high level of protein. The possibilities of product enhancement and value-adding seem limitless. At the same time, customers can make significant savings by reducing the amount of waste and disposal costs through recycling. With BAADERING technology, unnecessary waste is a thing of the past.

High protein salmon chips made from BAADERING extracted ingredients

High application variety

The benefits of BAADERING are not limited to the highest quality residual meat capturing. There is a high application variety to this technology. The many possible ways of utilization range from the expansion of fish, poultry and red meat. They extend to the parting of puree and juice from fruit and vegetables and even the recovery of packaged products to recycling. The advantages of the BAADERING technology can be utilized along the entire product cycle, making it possible to tap streams of revenue that are otherwise lost while maintaining the quality of the meat.

High valuable fish oil extracted from BAADERING components with the help of a centrifugal technology from partner Gea

Watch the Salmon Sessions

In this episode of the Salmon Sessions, Chris Brow and Dennis Schreiber, vice president sales and services at BAADER, explore with the help of BAADER experts the advantages BAADERING has to offer and how this pioneering technology can contribute to a sustainable global food system. A replay is now available on-demand.

Meet the Experts

Martin Schaarschmidt, Global Sales Manager BAADERING-Technology, BAADER

Martin Schaarschmidt has been with BAADER since 1986 when he joined the company as a Service Technician. In 1999 he switched to the role of Lead Developer and Marketer of the BAADERING machines, where he now holds the position as Global Sales Manager. He coaxes his passion for his products with his optimism and unique character, valued by customers and colleagues. If he is not travelling to see his customers, he is with them on the phone. In his free time, he enjoys different outdoor activities like sailing or cycling or keeps his mind engaged by playing chess. 

Dennis Lohmann, Head of Product Management Fish Manager, BAADER 

Starting his career with the company in 2007 as a programmer to kick-off a revisited fish processing project at BAADER, Dennis became head of product management for the company’s fish unit within three years, taking on responsibility for the development and future planning of the entire BAADER fish processing portfolio.

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