
Using Smart Assistance Technology for Remote Customer Support

JUN 10, 2020

The restrictions caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic has immensely impacted the working routines of many colleagues at BAADER. For the Service Department at BAADER Luebeck the travel restrictions have proven especially troublesome. The technicians were no longer allowed to travel to the international customers around the world to provide maintenance or machine repair.

When the machines of a customer in Greece came to a hold on the 18th of March, no technician was able to provide ad hoc service for the customer. The stop of the machines was thus impending a financial loss and production stop for the customer.

The Service Team at BAADER Luebeck is currently working on the implementation of a Smart Assistance technology that provides a remote troubleshooting via video chat and the application of augmented reality. The customer is using an app to connect with the experts at BAADER. The experts then analyse the situation and create a step-by-step guide to fix the problem.

“Ultimately, the visual tutorial helped to fix the problem the very same day, without the on-side support of a technician”, says Matthias Krellenberg, Deputy Head of Service & After Sales.

The Smart Assistance technology is the next step on the way to creating personalized and holistic service solutions for our customers. The first application of the new technology during the Corona times showed how important it is to install a flexible service that allows for combining remote and on- side support.

The Service Team in Lübeck is currently working on further improving and marketing of the Smart Assistance technology and is looking for customers eager to enrol for a trial run.

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