Protect Animal Welfare and Quality at High Speed

The growing demand for poultry meat is driving processing speeds up worldwide. The increased line speeds put new demands on equipment and process monitoring, as the slaughterhouses must produce larger quantities faster than before while still achieving high quality and maximum yield. Furthermore, animal welfare must be protected throughout the slaughtering process regardless of line speed.

Introducing a New Killing Machine to the High-Speed Market

To support our global poultry processing customers in their journey to greater processing efficiency, we introduce a new Killing Machine 2320 that applies unique positioning techniques of shackles and heads in order to create an accurate and uniform frontal cut at high processing speed. The accuracy of the cut causes maximized bleed-out and fast, permanent loss of brain function to prevent recovery of consciousness after the kill cut. Effective bleed-out is essential to product quality and shelf life. Blood retained in the meat can promote microbial growth and catalyze oxidation reactions, which again influence meat texture, flavour, colour, and nutritional qualities. Furthermore, poorly bled carcasses exhibit redness, causing expensive downgrades or condemnations as a result.

Adjust to Varying Flock Sizes

Many slaughterhouses are challenged by bird weight variations - between and within flocks. The Killing Machine 2320 is designed to allow for +/- 25% variation in the average flock weight within the same machine setup. The machine offers multiple adjustment features to ensure constant high cutting performance despite variations in bird sizes:

  • Hydraulic machine height adjustment
  • Adjustable cutting depth‍
  • Adjustable body positioning wheel
  • Adjustable neck presser
  • Adjustable guide plates
  • Adjustable head plate

Discover the New High-Speed Head Puller

The new Head Puller 2420 effectively removes the heads from the carcasses. The machine can be installed after bleeding or picking to best fit local requirements. Carcasses enter the machine by guide rails to ensure correct positioning before the heads are grabbed by rotating carriers pulling each head downwards while the carcasses continue on the overhead conveyor. Immediately before driving heads downwards, knives perform a small skin cut on each side of the neck to best control carcass yield.

Avoiding Machine Clogging is Paramount

The rotating carriers not only ensure correct positioning of each head but also make sure that the machine does not block up; all heads are forced downwards and away from the pulling plates. Furthermore, a water spray bar sprinkles water onto the guide rails to smoothen the movement of the heads and to keep the machine clean during production. As an option, heads can be dropped into a collection funnel connected to an offal system. This avoids manual handling of removed heads.

Easy Adjustment to flock variations

To best fit the bird size being processed, the Head Puller 2420 is equipped with several adjustment features:

  • The machine height can be adjusted by a hydraulic pump
  • Each guide rail can be adjusted in or out by turning a knob
  • The neck skin cutting knives can be moved up and down inside the slot.

Need help to reduce downgrades from the killing line?

Contact your local BAADER office to receive more details about the new Killing Machine 2320 and the Head Puller 2420