
Designing a Reliable Poultry Processing Plant

JULY 5, 2024

From Farm to Processing

Once the demand for processed poultry products is identified in the local or regional markets, a farmer may decide to expand into processing. The transition from farming to processing is extensive and  requires careful planning and execution.

To begin, it is crucial to understand the preferences and buying behaviour of potential customers,  whether they are retailers, restaurants, or end consumers. This market insight will guide the development of products that meet customer needs and drive sales.

Joining national or regional industry associations is an essential step. These organizations provide  valuable resources, including access to industry reports, regulatory updates, and networking opportunities. Attending networking events hosted by these associations can also facilitate connections with  industry experts and potential business partners.

BAADER is a specialist in advising on the processing process. With our long-standing commitment  to the poultry industry, we are a qualified partner, offering comprehensive processing solutions that  cater to the specific needs of your operation. Our expertise ensures that your transition from farm to  processing is smooth, efficient, and compliant with industry standards.

Compact Stand-Alone Processing Plant

The BAADER portfolio is extensive and designed to meet demand regardless of local requirements, processing  speed, or automation level. We are committed to upholding the best processing practices for live bird handling,  hygiene, and product quality, no matter the scale of your operation.

When considering the initial investment in a processing plant, it is crucial to choose a solution that fits your current  needs while allowing for future expansion. An excellent way to start processing is by installing the BAADER Com pact Plant. This ‘plug and process’ solution is easy to install and includes features such as stunning that adheres to  the highest animal welfare standards, effective scalding and plucking, and comfortable manual evisceration. The  BAADER Compact Plant can handle 600 to 1600 broilers per hour, depending on chicken size.

The system offers a high degree of flexibility with adjustable bleeding time, scalding time, and line speed, ensuring  that your processing can adapt to various requirements.

The Compact Plant benefits from the same quality components as our conventional high-speed processing  solutions and is covered by the same comprehensive spare parts service. Conveyorized, in-line processing provides  significant labour savings, increases efficiency, and enhances food safety. Additionally, the manual evisceration  process is more manageable on an overhead conveyor, improving workers’ welfare and ergonomics.

With the BAADER Compact Plant, you get a robust and flexible solution that meets the highest standards of quality  and efficiency, paving the way for a successful entry into poultry processing.

Customized Solutions for Higher Line Speeds

Higher line speeds require customized solutions to best fit your production requirements. The extensive BAADER  portfolio is designed to meet these demands, allowing for the creation of tailored solutions that perfectly fit your  specific needs. Our modular design enables continuous business growth, providing the flexibility to scale your  operations whenever required.

When working with BAADER, you can be confident in receiving advice based on a thorough analysis of your farm characteristics, transportation facilities, and production requirements. Whether you are starting your very first processing plant or expanding your production, we provide comprehensive guidance on all aspects of poultry processing. This includes live bird handling systems, bleeding, scalding and picking times, and the appropriate levels  of automation.

Our expert team ensures that every solution is tailored to meet your specific needs, optimizing efficiency and  product quality. With BAADER, you have a trusted partner dedicated to supporting your growth and success in the  poultry processing industry.

Careful Handling of Live Chickens

Transporting birds from the safe farming environment to  the processing plant is a challenging task that impacts  animal welfare, meat quality, and ultimately, plant profit ability. At BAADER, we understand these challenges and  offer a range of live bird handling systems with varying  degrees of automation. Our solutions cover every stage  of the process, including the catching process, lairage  and reception area, destacking and stacking, and wash ing and disinfection. This design flexibility allows you to  choose the system that best fits your operational needs  and ensures optimal animal welfare and product quality

Modular Slaughtering Lines for Future Growth

Modularity is the key to designing a slaughtering line that delivers the highest quality chicken both now and in the future. At BAADER, we prioritize this modular approach when planning and designing slaughterhouses in collaboration with our customers. By understanding your current needs and future plans, we create solutions that not only address immediate requirements but also facilitate easy expansion.

This forward-thinking strategy ensures that your slaughtering line remains adaptable and scalable, allowing you to maintain superior product quality and operational efficiency as your business grows.

Evisceration Solutions for Every Need

Evisceration is the critical process of opening the slaughtered bird and removing the viscera (internal organs and  intestines). This can be done manually, semi-automatically, or fully automatically, and BAADER offers solutions  for all these methods. From manual hand tools to simple semi-automatic devices to fully automated evisceration,  cleaning, and washing lines, we provide the options to match your specific needs.

Manual processing requires a large number of workers on the line, while automatic evisceration represents the pinnacle of modern poultry processing, operating with minimal labour. The decision to choose manual or automated  processes depends on factors such as line speed and access to skilled labour. BAADER’s comprehensive range of  evisceration solutions ensures that you can select the most efficient and cost-effective method for your operation,  whether you are just starting out or looking to upgrade your processing capabilities.

Effective Chilling to Optimize Shelf-Life

After meticulously processing each bird to ensure maximum quality and value, it is crucial to effectively minimize bacterial growth and extend product shelf-life. Achieving these objectives is essential for poultry pro cessors to deliver high-quality and safe food.

BAADER provides a range of chilling solutions, utilizing either water or air as the cooling element. These solu tions are designed to efficiently lower the core tempera ture of each bird to the desired level.

Both water and air chilling methods have their unique advantages and challenges. Water chilling is quick and increases yield but requires careful management to avoid cross-contamination and ensure optimal shelf-life. Inline air chilling is slower but enhances product tender ness and minimizes contamination risks, with controlled weight management through moisturizing. Each proces sor must choose the most suitable method to meet their specific market needs and quality standards.

Flexibility to Produce a Variety of Products

Whether a processor aims to produce whole chickens or enhance the product’s value through portioning, skinning,  or deboning, BAADER offers tailored solutions to meet these needs. BAADER provides an array of equipment for  weighing, cutting, grading, and packing, enabling even small-scale processors to efficiently meet the demands of  their local markets. Our tailored solutions and modular approach ensure that your processing plant can adapt and  expand seamlessly, supporting your business as it grows and evolves.

Expert Guidance for Your Poultry Processing Needs

Whether you are considering starting a poultry processing plant or looking to increase your capacity, we offer valuable advice on all process steps. Please feel free to reach out to us using the contact form. Our local experts will get back to you as soon as possible.

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