The FTC Dark Meat Remover is designed to remove the dark meat muscle from fish fillets and is suitable for single- or double-lane feeding. The fillet is manually allocated on the belt with the help of a laser light.

USPs Double Lane and Single Lane

  • Easier maintenance
  • An easy way to anatomically remove the brown meat from the fillet
  • The machine changes the depth of the brown meat via a guide with an adjustable pressure so that it temporarily becomes a crescent that DMR easily removes with a depth of only 2 mm
  • The fillet looks whole without the brown meat
  • Removal of DMR on smoke fillets without using water


  • Can be used for fresh or cold smoked fillets
  • Quality of fillets is greatly improved
  • Uses a circular knife to cut the dark meat, which is adjustable in depth and width
  • Vacuum belt keeps fillet in position
  • Optimised by-product handling

Technical Data

  • Fish species: 
    Salmon, catfish, cod, tilapia 
  • Working range (approx.):
    Up to 900 mm   
  • Throughput:
    Up to 18 fillets/min. per lane

Contact our consultants

Tell us about your processing requirements and see how our experts can help you improve your quality, throughput and yield.